Events and Categories
(各級參賽人數不滿六人時,大會得以視狀況併級) :
※新秀組無I-Walk自選動作,青少年組、壯年組、公開組每位選手I-Walk 20秒
※新秀組無I-Walk自選動作,青少年組、壯年組、公開組每位選手I-Walk 30秒
——Please carefully read the following information to ensure your rights to participate in the competition——
Competition Rules
Athlete Check-in and Weigh-in:
April 4, 2025 (Friday), from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Taipei Dazhi Denwell Banquet Hall (No. 8, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City) [MRT Wenhu Line - Exit 2, Jiannan Road Station]
• Athletes must present a valid ID (foreign athletes, please present a passport) for identity verification at check-in. Attire for the weigh-in should be the competition attire for the specific event. If participating in two different categories, please prepare attire for each.
Athlete Briefing:
April 4, 2025 (Friday), from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM at Taipei Dazhi Denwell Banquet Hall (No. 8, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City) [MRT Wenhu Line - Exit 2, Jiannan Road Station]. Attendance at the briefing is mandatory for all athletes. Any athlete who fails to attend will be responsible for any missed information or lost rights.
• Supervising Unit: WNBF World Natural Bodybuilding Federation
• Organizer: WNBF Taiwan Natural Bodybuilding Association
• Co-organizers: FIT IN Fitness Training Studio, Gaiber Creative Marketing Ltd.
• Competition Date: April 5, 2025 (Saturday) and April 6, 2025 (Sunday)
• Location: Taipei Dazhi Denwell Banquet Hall (No. 8, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City) [MRT Wenhu Line - Exit 2, Jiannan Road Station]
• Opening Ceremony: April 5 and 6, 2025, at 9:30 AM. All athletes must attend the opening ceremony.
• Judges: Qualified judges certified by the WNBF, both domestic and international.
• Competition Rules: The latest WNBF international rules for natural bodybuilding will be applied.
Registration Requirements
1. Citizens of Taiwan aged 18 and above who are in good health and hold a valid WNBF membership (with the applicable membership fee paid) may register.
2. Foreign citizens aged 18 and above in good health with a valid WNBF membership (with the applicable membership fee paid) may register.
Registration Method:
Individual online registration only (each participant may register for up to four categories).
Registration Period: From now until March 20, 2025 (Thursday).
Registration Details:
1. Athletes must first pay the WNBF membership fee to be eligible. The annual membership fee is TWD 2000, which is valid through December 31 of the current year (e.g., membership applied on April 1, 2025, is valid until December 31, 2025).
2. Please fill out the association's registration form accordingly. The registration fees are as follows: TWD 1800 for one event, TWD 3600 for two, TWD 5400 for three, and TWD 7200 for four.
3. Lie Detector Requirement: To ensure fairness in the competition, all athletes must undergo a lie detector test. The cost of the test is TWD 1800. The association will send an email to schedule a test appointment after registration and payment are complete.
Rules and Requirements:
1. Check-in and Weigh-in: April 4, 2025 (Friday), from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. ID verification and competition attire are required for weigh-in.
2. Opening Ceremony: April 5 and 6, 2025, at 9:30 AM. All athletes must attend.
3. Judges: Certified judges from WNBF Taiwan.
4. Men's Bodybuilding Attire: Must wear appropriate bodybuilding trunks. Short shorts, underwear, and swimsuits are not allowed. Athletes must wear competition attire during weigh-in.
5. Women's Bikini Attire: Must wear appropriate bikini attire. Competition attire is required for weigh-in.
6. Only the official BBTAN skin-color lotion from the M-CURE brand is allowed for this event to maintain uniform coloring. Other brands are not permitted.
7. Performance Music: Please submit your music to wnbftaiwan@gmail.com by March 20, 2025. File names should include the athlete's name, category, and be in mp3 format, trimmed to one minute.
8. Athletes have two opportunities for weigh-in. Final confirmation of event participation will be recorded.
9. When registering, please select your desired weight class. Adjustments are allowed within one weight class on weigh-in day.
10. All athletes must complete the weigh-in and height measurement process by April 4, 2025, 5:00 PM.
11. Athletes must provide valid ID (Taiwanese citizens) or passport/residency documents (foreign athletes) at weigh-in.
12. After each award ceremony, drug testing will be conducted immediately for the first-place winners
13. Athletes undergoing drug testing must agree to public disclosure of their test results to support the association's commitment to transparency.
14. For a list of banned substances, refer to the WNBF official website. Medical documentation is required for exemptions.
15. Lie Detector Requirement: If the first test is not passed, athletes may apply for a retest. Those who refuse testing are not eligible for competition.
16. Athletes must keep the venue clean, including restrooms, walls, and seating areas.
17. Competition Schedule: Refer to the schedule for event times.
18. Personal data submitted for this competition will be used exclusively for event-related purposes.
19. If lie detector or drug tests are failed, the athlete's name, photo, and test results will be publicly disclosed.
20. Refund requests are not accepted within three weeks of the competition.
21. Prescription Medications: Inform the association before testing.
22. Mental Health Conditions: Inform the association before testing.
※Participation Categories※
Competition Divisions:
(If there are fewer than six participants in each division, the organizers reserve the right to merge categories):
*Medals will be awarded to the top five in each weight class
WNBF Pro Cards:
(A Pro Card will not be awarded if a category has fewer than 8 participants)
Men's Bodybuilding4
Men's Physique4
Women's Bikini4
1. Men's Bodybuilding:
• Men's Bodybuilding Novice Under 70 kg (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Bodybuilding Novice Under 80 kg (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event
• Men's Bodybuilding Novice Over 80 kg (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Bodybuilding Junior Under 70 kg (for competitors aged 23 or under)
• Men's Bodybuilding Junior Over 70 kg (for competitors aged 23 or under)
• Men's Bodybuilding Masters (for competitors aged 40 or above)
• Men's Bodybuilding Grand Masters (for competitors aged 50 or above)
• Men's Bodybuilding Open Under 65 kg
• Men's Bodybuilding Open Under 70 kg
• Men's Bodybuilding Open Under 75 kg
• Men's Bodybuilding Open Under 80 kg
• Men's Bodybuilding Open Over 80 kg
• Overall Champion Contest (top two in each weight class of the Open Division compete)
*Novice competitors are not required to perform a one-minute routine; Junior, Masters, and Open competitors will perform a one-minute routine if they place in the top five.
2. Men's Physique:
• Men's Physique Novice Under 170 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Physique Novice Under 173 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Physique Novice Under 176 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Physique Novice Under 179 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Physique Novice Over 179 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Men's Physique Junior Under 175 cm (for competitors aged 23 or under)
• Men's Physique Junior Over 175 cm (for competitors aged 23 or under)
• Men's Physique Masters (for competitors aged 40 or above)
• Men's Physique Grand Masters (for competitors aged 50 or above)
• Men's Physique Open Under 168 cm
• Men's Physique Open Under 171 cm
• Men's Physique Open Under 174 cm
• Men's Physique Open Under 177 cm
• Men's Physique Open Under 180 cm
• Men's Physique Open Over 180 cm
• Overall Champion Contest (top two in each height class of the Open Division compete)
*Novice competitors do not perform an I-Walk routine; Junior, Masters, and Open competitors will each perform a 20-second I-Walk routine.
3. Men's Fitness Model:
• Men's Fitness Model Open Under 173 cm
• Men's Fitness Model Open Over 173 cm
• Overall Champion Contest (Gold medalists compete)
*Each competitor performs a 20-second routine.
4. Men's Sports Model:
• Men's Sports Model Open Under 173 cm
• Men's Sports Model Open Over 173 cm
• Overall Champion Contest (Gold medalists compete)
*Each competitor performs a 20-second routine.
5. Women's Bikini:
• Women's Bikini Novice Under 160 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Women's Bikini Novice Under 165 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Women's Bikini Novice Over 165 cm (open to those who have never placed in the top five in any WNBF domestic or international event)
• Women's Bikini Junior (for competitors aged 23 or under)
• Women's Bikini Masters (for competitors aged 40 or above)
• Women's Bikini Grand Masters (for competitors aged 50 or above)
• Women's Bikini Open Under 155 cm
• Women's Bikini Open Under 158 cm
• Women's Bikini Open Under 161 cm
• Women's Bikini Open Under 164 cm
• Women's Bikini Open Over 164 cm
• Overall Champion Contest (top two in each height class of the Open Division compete)
*Novice competitors do not perform an I-Walk routine; Junior, Masters, and Open competitors will each perform a 30-second I-Walk routine.
6. Women's Sports Model:
• Women's Sports Model Open Under 162 cm
• Women's Sports Model Open Over 162 cm
• Overall Champion Contest (Gold medalists compete)
*Each competitor performs a 30-second routine.
7. Women's Figure:
• Women's Figure Open
*Each competitor performs a 30-second routine.